No, I ... I could never follow . . .
It's been two long years now, since the top of the world came crashing down ... and I'm getting it back on the road now ... but I'm taking the long way, taking the long way around. I'll just take my time, I won't lay down and take the long way around ... I fought with a stranger and I met myself, I opened my mouth and I heard myself. It can get pretty lonely when you show yourself, guess I could have made it easier on myself ... but I ... I could never follow. No I ... I could never follow ... I never seem to do it like anybody else. Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down.
If you ever want to find me I can still be found ... taking the long way around. -the Dixie Chicks

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Church Service on US Army Base

I made my way a "Collective Protestant Worship Service" at Camp Red Cloud, a US Army Base just outside of Uijeongbu City this morning. A fellow Canadian (and teacher at my school) attends regularly with her American boyfriend who is stationed at this base. When I mentioned interest in trying to find the English Anglican Church in Seoul she invited me to join them on the base! I do plan on finding the Anglican Church in Seoul, but thought starting closer to home was a good first step!

The service was wonderful and the churh is quite lovely. A famous Korean musician Jose Kim if my memory serves (unfortunately it was not written in the bulletin) who studied music in Spain, who played at the Seoul Olympics and who is now a professor at a Seoul University played a few songs/hymns. Two were instrumental (one with Spanish influence) and he sang with the third in Korean. The music was very powerful and moving and really does reinforce what a universal language music is! Lesley (the Canadian with me) and I are going to try to locate some of his music.

Another attraction of the church service on the base is the Starbucks located at the foot of the nine hole golf course (yup, golf course)! As you know, I am a HUGE coffee shop fan, especially Starbucks, and there are none in my neighbourhood, and few in Uijeongbu City to just "hang out" at so this sealed the deal of attending the service!

During the service, the minister mentioned the
monthly Chapel Family Fellowship Lunch was today in the CG's Mess and encouraged all to attend. How was I to refuse I thought ... and when Brian (Lesley's boyfriend) mentioned the menu I could hardly contain my excitement ... roast ham, buttered corn, chicken cordon blue, mashed potatoes, seasoned asparagus & hot rolls ... I practically jumped with excitement, "Are you serious?" I said. Apparently my reaction is typical of foreigners who are still adjusting to the local food so off to the mess we went!

Here is a photo of my dining companions in the mess, the nicest mess on the base (dining room vs. cafeteria style) so it was a treat for the Americans to eat at this mess as well!

The cherry pie dessert was the icing on the cake and I couldn't resist pulling out my camera and snapping a photo to commemorate the occasion!

Don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying and embracing the food here, but it was a treat to be surprised like this today! In the Photo, Henrietta, Gary, Lesley and Brian ... all smiles after a full tummy!

What a wonderful "treat" after the Church service! In hindsight I should have snapped a photo of myself, the smile could not be rubbed off my face!

This photo is for Trevor -- the military buff in our family! I was thinking of you today and although I was hesitant to pull out my camera a take a photo in the mess hall, I had to for you!

We then headed off to Starbucks, located right next to the 9 hole golf course on the base before heading home!

What a wonderful Sunday morning!

P.S. I almost forgot ... the Girl Scout cookies sitting in the mess for the taking. Of course we each took a box and I now have a box of Thin Mint cookies to enjoy this week ... if they last htat long! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill - sounds like you are having a great time, and getting the chance to do and see some great things in and amongst your teaching duties!

I can imagine how lunch and starbucks would have been wonderfully appealing after a couple weeks away from home!!

halix said...

Hi Jill,

This is a wonderful way to share your adventure. The photos are great and your students are adorable. It is nice to know that a tall latte is never far away:)

Cori said...

I am so proud of myself for actually accessing the blog and hopefully, successfully sending you this comment!! It sounds as though you are already having the experience of a lifetime. Way to go! Keep posting your interesting adventures and I will reply. Life is hectic with school wrapping up, but Summer is on the way!!!! I'll write back soon. Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

LOL - having travelled I totally understand your feelings of "home food". :)

Anonymous said...

mmmmm girl scout cookies..... brings me back to Nick's class, hope you're doing great,

ME xoxoxo (Julie)